Essay Instructions: Below is the original proposal( introduction, literature review, methodology, data, and conclusion) and an outline that should be used as a guide:
Under Chapter 1 for the Introduction, the outline is as follow ?
A. Government health care centers (GHC)
What are GHCs?
Who are served at GHCs?
How do they function?
Services provided
Infrastructure Needed
Current status of GHCs? How are they relevant for the population served?
B. Problem Statement
C. Research Questions (I would try to keep the questions between three to four questions.)
1. How do GHC?s contribute toward universal health in the respective countries in terms of accessibility, availability and quality? Comparison
2. What aspects of the four GHCs are the same? Population served, services provided, reimbursement methodology
3. What aspects of the four GHCs are different? Population served, services provided, reimbursement methodology
(2 and 3 could be a comparison/contrast question)
4. How do GHCs address emergency preparedness planning to facilitate health care services during natural disasters?
C. Significance of the Study.
Governmental healthcare centers concentrate on providing primary care to individuals and to control and manage the spread of infectious diseases and to manage natural disasters(Christian et al, 2008). However, in the public domain, health care differs from one country to another. This can be specifically applied in developed nations, where social, economic and political factors are most likely to influence public health policies and centers and their accessibility and availability(Christian et al, 2008). This research proposal concentrates on presenting an overview and detailed background of health centers in English speaking countries. The countries selected are Australia, Canada, United Kingdom and United States.
Governmental healthcare centers concentrate on providing primary care to individuals and to control and manage the spread of infectious diseases and to manage natural disasters (Christian et al, 2008). However, in the public domain, health care differs from one country to another. This can be specifically applied in developed nations, where social, economic and political factors are most likely to influence public health policies and centers and their accessibility and availability (Christian et al, 2008). This research proposal concentrates on presenting an overview and detailed background of health centers in English speaking countries. The countries selected are Australia, Canada, United Kingdom and United States. These four countries have their own public health policies and have installed several governmental health centers in order to provide primary care to individuals and to effectively manage disasters and epidemic outbreaks. In terms of availability, accessibility and quality of care provided in these centers vary from one nation to another and therefore, this research would consider in investigating these differences. Furthermore, emergency preparedness plans, natural disaster management plans, performance, funding and demographic data would be analyzed in order to understand the efficiency and effectiveness of these health centers.
Research Objectives and Background
The goal of this research is to analyze and review of the healthcare centers, which are sponsored nationally, in different English speaking countries and their effectiveness in responding to emergencies. The countries selected are: United States of America, United Kingdom, Canada and Australia. This study would concentrate on presenting a detailed and comprehensive history on the health centers, which have been sponsored by the government. Furthermore, how these centers effectively manage disasters and respond to emergencies as well as their effectiveness and efficiency would be reviewed and analyzed in order to understand how they cater the needs of the community where they operate in their respective countries. Preparedness plans and emergency plans from wide ranging governmental health centers in countries selected would be analyzed and compared. Based on the analysis, effectiveness and flaws of these plans would be outlined.
Research Questions
This research would address the following questions:
1. What are health centers?
2. How governmental health centers contribute towards providing universal healthcare to citizens in Australia, Canada, United Kingdom and United States?
3. To what extent, governmental healthcare centers contributed towards universal health in respective countries in terms of accessibility, availability and quality?
4. To what extent, governmental sponsored health centers have been successful in managing and responding to emergencies and natural disasters?
5. To what extent, governmental sponsored health centers have been successful in introducing emergency plans and disaster management plans to effectively manage disasters?
6. What emergency and disaster management plans have been incorporated by different health centers in United States, United Kingdom, Canada and Australia?
7. What are the strengths and weaknesses of these plans?
8. How successful are these plans in managing disasters in their respective countries?
9. How politics influence governmental health centers?
10. What is link between demographic need and the accessibility of health centers?
11. What is the relationship between quality, availability and accessibility of health centers?
Literature Review
In recent times, the increase in population, shortage of land and rapid urbanization in developed countries such as Australia, Canada, United Kingdom and United States have increased the population of areas, which are most likely to experience natural disasters that would have negative consequences on health of the entire community (Public Safety Canada, 2013). In the last few decades, the outburst of natural disasters and epidemic outbreaks have increased significantly and have contributed towards social and economic damages as well as claiming lives of millions of people all over the world. Natural disasters such as Hurricane Katrina, US flu epidemic, Whooping Cough Epidemic in United Kingdom and Canada, are some of the disasters that have clearly demonstrated that even developed countries are prone to these disasters and therefore, it is necessary to address these problems in order to maintain the health and welfare of citizens (Public Safety Canada, 2013).
After the occurrence of natural disasters, epidemic outbreaks of infectious diseases can further threaten the health of communities and can create panic, confusion and therefore, it is essential that governmental health centers utilize their emergency and natural disaster management plans in order to manage public health activities(Frykberg, 2002). Health centers must be available and accessible to provide health care to individuals in order to cater the needs of those who have been injured from these disasters. Mohammad, (2006) asserts that ? The prolonged health impact of natural disasters on a community may see the collapse of health facilities and healthcare systems, disruption of surveillance and health programs (immuniza-tion and vector control programs), limitation or destruction of farming activities (scarcity of food/food insecurity), interruption of ongoing treatments and use of un-prescribed medications?.
Transmission of diseases and epidemic outbreaks after occurrence of natural disasters can have detrimental and long term effects. The effects include changes in environment, exposure to infectious diseases, low levels of immunity and inaccessibility of healthcare services(World Health Organization, 2008). These issues can have a negative impact on the health of individuals and can lead to their deaths. Health centers should concentrate on developing strong and robust emergency health care plans in order to manage natural disasters, to prevent epidemics and effectively control the spread of infectious diseases and to provide quality care to the victims(Moore, 2007).
Governmental health centers have been developed in different developed countries such as United States, Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, France, Germany, etc to provide universal healthcare to its citizens and to effectively manage disasters and epidemics(Niska& Burt, 2007 a, b)(Moore, 2007). The goal of GHCs is to effectively respond to emergencies and disasters, which is dependent on the quality of medical care they offer along with other support services(Moore, 2007).
Research Methodology
Research methodology is considered to be the organization of the research and it concentrates on collection of data. Based on the nature of the research, quantitative method of study would be used in order to investigate the differences between health centers in providing health care services to citizens and emergency and natural disaster management plans. The countries selected are Australia, Canada, United Kingdom and United States. These four countries have their own public health policies and have installed several governmental health centers in order to provide primary care to individuals and to effectively manage disasters and epidemic outbreaks. In terms of availability, accessibility and quality of care provided in these centers vary from one nation to another and therefore, this research would consider in investigating these differences.
Christian MD, Devereaux AV, Dichter JR, et al. (2008). Definitive care for the critically ill during a disaster: current capabilities and limitations: from a Task Force for Mass Critical Care summit meeting, January 26?27 2007 Chicago, IL. Chest. Vol. 133(Suppl):8S?17S.
Frykberg ER. (2002). Medical management of disasters and mass casualties from terrorist bombings: How can we cope. J Trauma. Vol. 53:201?12.
Mohammed AB, Mann HA, Nawabi DW, et al. (2006). Impact of London?s terrorist attacks on a major trauma center in London. Prehosp Disaster Med. Vol. 21:340?4.
Moore EE, Knudson MM, Schwab CW, et al. (2007). Military-civilian collaboration in trauma care and the senior visiting surgeon program. N Engl J Med. Vol. 357:2723?7.
Niska RW, Burt CW. (2007a). Emergency response planning in health centers, United States: 2003?2004. Adv Data. Vol. 391:1?13.
Niska RW, Burt CW. (2007b). National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey: terrorism preparedness among office-based physicians, United States: 2003?2004. Adv Data. Vol. 390:1?10.
Public Safety Canada. Canadian Disaster Database. 2007. [accessed 2013 March.]. Available:
World Health Organization. Hospitals safe from disasters. Reduce risk; protect health facilities, save lives. 2008?2009 World Disaster Reduction Campaign. Geneva (Switzerland): The Organization; 2008.